Reading & Language Arts Tutoring


Tutor Doctor offers elementary thru high school tutoring (and beyond!) for reading and language arts. We help students in all types of language arts areas including phonics, grammar, writing, reading comprehension, handwriting, vocabulary, spelling, essay preparation and more. Our language arts tutors teach each student to use the skills he/she already possesses while building the new skills needed to master the language arts course curriculum.

Because a student's language proficiency often determines his/her general learning ability, the language arts skills learned will benefit other subject areas as well. Our tutors aspire to create and foster a love for reading and writing in each student which will cross over into every other learning opportunity that arises.

Our tutors can help you achieve your goals when it comes to Reading and Language Arts.

Call us today to discuss your child's unique needs.


Date Added 2012-07-23
Product Id 10064031