Tinker TradeSpaces in Kitchener
On May 28 at 3:45 PM
How are you staying safe during this era of #Covid19?
Here are 5 ways to stay safe

1. Wash and sanitize your hands frequently
2. Avoid touching your face
3. Cough or sneeze into your sleeve
4. Physically distance two metres from others
5. Wear a mask if going out in public

Don't have a mask? Follow our step by step instructions that can be found at https://tinkertradespaces.ca/frogfaces-mask-instructions

Tinker TradeSpaces in Kitchener
On May 27 at 5:03 PM
Makers! Do you want to be able to ask questions during a video tutorial? Tinker TradeSpaces will be going live with the info you need.

Tinker TradeSpaces in Kitchener
On May 27 at 4:58 PM
Are you looking for online sewing classes? Contact Tinker TradeSpaces, providers video instruction lessons

Tinker TradeSpaces in Kitchener
On May 27 at 12:33 PM
Tinker TradeSpaces updated their profile page in the Business Directory

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