Have some local fun! Go pick berries or fruit, visit cows, see how honey is made, or learn a new skill! Local farms and good producers offer many fun activities and learning opportunities. Go get a feel for local!
#LocalFood #LocalFarms #Locavore #ShopLocally #SupportLocal #LoveLocal #ShopSmall
Own a business? Get more exposure, get some awesome online tools, and help grow your business by joining ShopKitchener.ca today! It’s easy, just head to ShopKitchener.ca/add, click the ‘Add Your Business’ button and join us as we encourage everyone to shop locally in Kitchener,all the time!
#ShopLocally #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SupportLocal
Do you like getting a deal? Well mother nature and farmers have you covered! Keep an eye on what bumper crops grow in your area, you never know what seasonal (and volume) deals might crop up! Bushel of cucumbers, anyone?
#Farm #FarmtoPlate #LocalFood #LocalFarms #Locavore #ShopLocally #SupportLocal #LoveLocal #ShopSmall
It’s Get to Know Your Customers Day! When businesses take the time to talk to customers and get to know them, they might get some great feedback in return! So, if you’re a customer, go visit a friendly local shop today and then leave them a great review! Find them here: ShopKitchener.ca
#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay #ShopLocally #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SupportLocal
We love supporting the little guy, and shopping for local food helps us do that! Visit a farm, check out a farmer’s market, or search out a local delicacy! Keep money in your community by shopping small!
#Farm #FarmtoPlate #LocalFood #LocalFarms #Locavore #ShopLocally #SupportLocal #LoveLocal #ShopSmall