Kitchen Kuttings Cafe Inc. in Elmira
On September 27 at 2:53 PM
The Wellesley ABC Festival is tomorrow! Come out and see us set up in the arena! The Festival has lot's of fresh, local food... don't miss it! 1000 Maple Leaf St., Wellesley, Ontario

Kitchen Kuttings Cafe Inc. in Elmira
On September 20 at 1:00 PM
Did you know we use Fresh, Local Eggs in our Home Baking and Breakfast Sandwiches at the Cafe? Our eggs are supplied by Nature Plus, and are Farm Fresh, from traditional family farms. At our store, you can choose from our supply of Classic Brown, Free Range, and Omega 3. Taste the difference of Fresh Eggs... Eggs the way nature intended! 2 Arthur St. South, Elmira 519-669-8225

Kitchen Kuttings Cafe Inc. in Elmira
On September 18 at 1:00 PM
Tis the season! Pumpkin Cinnamon Buns with cream cheese icing are baked fresh! Karen and Shirley are happy to serve! 2 Arthur St South, Elmira 519-669-8225

Kitchen Kuttings Cafe Inc. in Elmira
On September 16 at 1:47 PM
We are now selling Farm Fresh Cream at our store! Milk and Cream is arriving weekly... and in glass bottles! "Try it, and taste the difference!" 2 Arthur St. S. Elmira, Ontario 519-669-8225

Kitchen Kuttings Cafe Inc. in Elmira
On September 09 at 12:00 PM
Kitchen Kuttings is proud to promote the Waterloo Central Railway. The Waterloo Central Railway is operated by the Southern Ontario Locomotive Restoration Society (SOLRS). SOLRS is a private, not-for-profit, registered charitable organization managed by a volunteer Board of Directors and operated by Volunteers dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and operation of vintage railway equipment for the education and enjoyment of the public. Find out more information and buy tickets through their facebook page (@WaterlooCentralRailway) or through their website.

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