Kitchen Kuttings Cafe Inc. in Elmira
On January 24 at 4:37 PM
Farm Fresh local food.. tasty, and full of nutrients...more so, than food that has travelled for days.

Buy local, buy fresh!

40 Arthur St. S. Elmira Ontario

Kitchen Kuttings Cafe Inc. in Elmira
On January 20 at 2:37 PM
We are having our staff Christmas Banquet tonight, and will be closing at 4:00 today.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause for you.

40 Arthur St. S. Elmira Ontario

Kitchen Kuttings Cafe Inc. in Elmira
On January 18 at 11:00 AM
Homemade Food from our kitchen to yours!

Everyone has been busy this week...from baking Pies, and Topsy Turveys( like a Fry Pie...only they are baked) to making Potatoe Salad.

42 Arthur St. S. Elmira Ontario

Kitchen Kuttings Cafe Inc. in Elmira
On January 16 at 6:00 PM
Have you checked out our frozen meat section?

Homemade Head Cheese (or Leva Vasht in Penn. dutch) from Earlidale Meats, is a great addition to your breakfast!

Or try some Finest Hot Italian sausage with any meal.

Shop local!

40 Arthur St. S. Elmira Ontario

Kitchen Kuttings Cafe Inc. in Elmira
On January 10 at 11:00 AM
Old Fashioned Secklevasht has arrived!

Do any of you know what secklevasht is?

Or for the English name...bag sausage.

We have some frozen, in approx. 3 lb pieces for $15.00-$18.00 each.

Cook for 1 1/2 hours, and it's ready to eat, hot or cold. Delicious!

Taste local...this is just like grandpa used to make!

40 Arthur St. S. Elmira Ontario

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