About Us

“Lester Holley is a local marketing expert who has worked (both directly and indirectly) with many small businesses to help them improve their marketing and boost their profits. Lester helps his clients, who are primarily small business owners, to attract new customers as well as make more sales to their existing customers.

His three main focuses for this are Local Search SEO (Citation Building), Email Marketing and Twitter.“

Local Search SEO (Citation Building)
Maximize Google My Business, Google Mobile, Google Maps, Yahoo, Yahoo Local, Bing, Bing Local, Yelp and others to generate customers for your business.

Email Marketing
Lester has helped them to quickly build large email lists of customers and potential customers, and then turn these lists into extra sales.

Lester helps his clients to get real results from Twitter whilst at the same time helping them to automate some of the time consuming tasks involved in tweeting on a regular basis.