Heritage Park Pharmacy in Kitchener invites you to trust us in filling your prescriptions.
We will ensure your medications are compatible, used properly, and that you understand how to take them, along with any possible side effects.
We also provide free blood pressure tests and offer free delivery of your prescription drugs.
Call us for all your prescription needs today!
200 Lorraine Avenue #2, Kitchener
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Click the link - http://bit.ly/2VtJhpN - to find us on Facebook and click this link - http://bit.ly/2GQ9vhL - to access our ShopKW page!
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A strong social media following is what helps local businesses thrive in this digital age.
For your pharmacy needs visit Heritage Park Pharmacy!
200 Lorraine Avenue #2, Kitchener
It is important to maintain good dental health as another step towards proactive overall health care. It not only prevents cavities but can also help prevent gum disease. Gum disease develops slowly and causes inflammation of the gums, bones, and tissues which support your teeth.
For more information click the link - http://bit.ly/2U03EtP - to read our monthly flyer with deals or oral products and information section on the benefits you might know of in oral health.
These deals are only valid for another few days so be sure to visit us as soon as possible.
200 Lorraine Avenue #2, Kitchener
Heritage Park Pharmacy in Kitchener carries a medication related to erectile dysfunction (ED).
Don't worry this is not a pop-up ad!
At your discretion, speak to one of our pharmacists for more information.
200 Lorraine Avenue #2, Kitchener, ON
At Heritage Park Pharmacy, under the Canadian Diabetes Education Certification Board, we are certified diabetes experts.
This enables us to be especially skilled when dealing with persons with diabetes and their medications.
If you need Insulin Dosing then we are qualified enough to meticulously measure the right dosage for your personal needs.
We take into consideration weight, food and activity level to make sure that you have as close to normal blood sugar levels as possible.
200 Lorraine Avenue #2, Kitchener, ON