Optimum Health - Wellness Transformation in Waterloo
On April 06 at 3:29 PM
Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. "...a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."World Health Organization trans•for•ma•tion (?træns f?r?me? ??n) n.1. the act or process of transforming. 2. the state of being transformed. 3. change in form, appearance, nature, or character. Webster's Dictionary Much is written about Mind, Body and Spirit and depending on a persons perspective it can be an "out there" notion or an essential consideration of one's state. We simply ask, how are you doing and is there anything that you would like to change? An honest and open answer, in the moment, begins the process of transformation. Explore further at OptimumHealth.ca

Optimum Health - Wellness Transformation in Waterloo
On March 15 at 5:56 PM

Optimum Health - Wellness Transformation in Waterloo
On March 15 at 2:07 PM
Do you know someone who has drifted off course? Weight, Fitness, Stress - Optimum Health provides comprehensive assessment and coaching to assist individuals to make positive changes in their life? No one will make changes until they are ready but showing you care can start the conversation. Contact us for details on arranging an assessment gift or making a referral. www.optimumhealth.ca

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