About Us

4Rs of Technology Recycling

EQ ~ TRM is pioneering the 4Rs of Technology Recycling. Step by step EQ is creating an online opportunity valuable inventory service for the people of our community by offering our buyers affordable technology for reuse & repurposing.

Traditionally EQ ~ TRM sold said technology via person to person format at various inter-regional sales for many years. However times change so now EQ ~ TRM is expanding into the newest format of e-commerce markets bring our 4Rs of Technology Recycling online. Promoting a growing valuable inventory of various technology based items all secured via contributions to our free EQ Recovery Services. Parts and components are collected from the obsolete technology for testing, inspection, cleaning, repackaging, and brought back to the market for eventual resale.

This will never work, but it has and the banks, well, they are pessimistic but do know not that the secret of success is not money, success is attitude/opportunity/imagination.

Naturally buyers have many obvious questions especially with the multitude of items in the growing EQ inventory Service. The following dialogue did often arise when EQ~TRM would vendor at the yearly inter-regional sale events. We promise you'll likely not be the 1st one to ask us.

What is it? – People ask this one a lot. Ask us what an item is and we can certainly dialogue using various measurements such as weights, lengths, apparent quality, etc however what the buyer sees is, well, something unique.

How much does it cost? - How many do you want?
How many do we have? Touche!

Can EQ ~ TRM get anymore? Probably Yes – Probably No,
EQ~TRM operates on the contribution system to EQ Recovery Services, supporting our community’s personal or business eager evolutionary path, that often leads directly to success.

This is all computer stuff! Well, that’s not really a question.
But “certainly not,” though at 1st glance a the inter-regional sales would make you think as much. However taking your time and examining the presentations you will find as advertised a variety of technology available.

This is a guy thing! Well, that’s not really a question either.
You’re here and your a woman, so ii guess not.

Who uses really this stuff? Artisans, innovators, Experimenters, Homeowners, Repairmen, Contractors, this list goes on and on so lets get back to EQ inventory Service. What are U looking for today don’t see it ask coincidence or serendipity. 
EQ does either so ask us odd searches are welcome, please ask....

What technology does EQ Recycle? Lets keep this introduction short.

Your Environmental Friend
Dave of EQ

More later...