About Us
Tanya Otterstein-Liehs is a certified authoritative Fitness & Self-Care Coach, Motivational Speaker, Co-Author, Podcast Show Host, Published Blogger, and creator of The Life Pie Academy.
Tanya helps women transform their life through self-care and mindset coaching. Holding their hand on their journey of experiencing self-confidence, self-love, self-worth, to loving their body and developing positive mind-shift. Stop doubting yourself and start BELIEVING in yourself ladies.
She will guide you so that you can experience the joy of achieving your personal goals without feeling like you’re making sacrifices, and without letting your fears or excuses stop you. Moving you closer to making crucial Life Dependent "ME" time every day is.
Tanya hosts two podcast shows, has a YouTube channel, hosts monthly online events for Women, and always welcomes a self-care hotline chat with you to give you a quick self-care tip with an immediate wellness solution.
“5-WAYS TO RE-BOOT YOUR MINDSET, HEALTH & EMBRACE WHO YOU ARE” If you are a Busy Women Who is Stressed, Tired All The Time, Lack Self-Confidence, have No Time to Exercise, can't achieve your Weight Loss Goals and want to Love Each Day More. Then this is for you!
Self-Care Blog & Tips that arrive in your inbox
FREE 28-day e-guide to Self-Love, Self-Confidence & Self-Worth, below
Say hi to me on Social Media:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxZr9ZzeD1LESswNRcYOfvA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanyaottersteinlieh/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bodybusinesskw/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/tanyaottersteinliehs/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BodyBusinessKW
Podcast: Available on - Overcast, Apple podcast, and Pocket Casts,