About Us

I am a licensed paralegal offering comprehensive and limited scope retainers to suit all types of legal needs. I provide full representation services for people in various tribunals (Landlord and Tenant, Environmental Review, WSIB and/or WSIAT, Human Rights, some OLRB and SLASTO, Pay Equity, Ontario Energy Board, Benefits and others) Municipal bylaw, traffic tickets and any other Part I, Part II or Part III offences in the Ontario Court of Justice and Small Claims court.

I also offer limited scope retainers for people who wish to have parts of their case assessed but do not want full representation (includes legal research, case/evidence assessment, completion and filing of forms, and much more). I also provide “a la carte” services, which includes things like drafting contracts, commissioning of oaths, independent legal advice, document review for legal compliance, and other services of that nature.

My service is remote and mobile (I do site/home/institutional visits, webcam, online, and telephone contact). I do not take walk in appointments and am usually not at my address because of the mobile nature of my business. All types of services are eligible for a free 30 minute consultation period. Contact me with your legal needs by phone (647-525-6829), email (barrett.beaudoin@gmail.com) or with the contact form on my website (https://bmbparalegalservices.ca). You will receive customized, meticulous, and professional legal service.