Make your next move confidently. An IT envisioning assessment with our experienced team will give you a thorough understanding and a clear path forward. Our experts will assist you to identify vulnerabilities, maintain compliance, and get a roadmap to ensure protection and operability of your business through comprehensive assessment services.
GET IN TOUCH Algol IT Solutions Inc. 39 Durward Place Unit 2 Waterloo, Ontario N2L 4E5 Phone: (905) 356-3230 Email Id:
Backing up your data is often overlooked as a protected step against cyber threats. Follow simple 3-2-1 backup rule as top IT managers practice to keep secure your important data.
Contact #AlgolITSolutions to discuss your backup needs. #backupdata #DataProtection #Cybersecurity
#Technology should accelerate your business growth not slow it down. Assess your IT today to make it best aligned and support your operations. With the help of Algol #ITAssessment, you can evaluate how your current technology is helping or hindering your business growth. #AlgolITSolutions
Continuity is necessary for establishing Business Resiliency. Our Business Continuity Services establish clear steps to protect business processes, equipment, and human resources.
If your organization hasn't yet determined critical functions, measured the impact of potential disruptions, or designed a plan to maintain minimum uptime requirements, you need to start with custom business continuity solutions.
We provide flexible business continuity and disaster recovery consulting to address your specific requirements, including planning and assessments.
GET IN TOUCH Algol IT Solutions Inc. 39 Durward Place Unit 2 Waterloo, Ontario N2L 4E5